Discovery Question: How to React to Pricing Questions

What's the price?
Never answer this question right away.
Do this if this question comes up in your next sales meeting.
Ask yourself:
Did the prospect understand the value of your solution?
NO --> Don't talk about the price
YES --> Confirm the pain and discuss the price
So why discuss the price at the end?
It's simply... you have to identify the pain first & to map it to your solution & value.
talking about the price before that can kill the deal.
The data shows a clear pattern.
Do the following:
1. Set an Agenda:
When you establish an agenda early on, you determine when the price will be discussed.
You can calmly say:
"First, I would like to learn more about your challenges, show how we can help, and then discuss the price at the end. Does this sound fair?"
2. Sell the Added Value:
Sometimes the question about the price comes up earlier... never answer this question immediately.
In this case, you should ensure that the added value is understood.
Otherwise, you should revisit the challenges and the solution...
...only then should you discuss the price.
Benefits of Mentioning the Price Late
Higher Perceived Value: When prospects fully understand the benefits and value of your solution, they are more likely to view the price as justified, increasing their willingness to pay.
Increased Conversion Rates: Prospects who see the value before the cost are more likely to convert, as they understand what they are getting for their money.
Better Positioning for Negotiation: With a clear understanding of the value, you have a stronger position in price negotiations. Prospects are less likely to haggle if they see the price as justified by the benefits.
Reduced Shock: Early price discussions can lead to a shock, where the prospect is turned off by the cost without understanding the value. By discussing price later, you minimize this risk.
Customized Solutions: By understanding their needs first, you can tailor your proposal and pricing to fit their specific situation, making it more appealing.
Example Conversation Flow
1. Introduction and Rapport Building
“I’m excited to learn more about your business and how we might be able to help you achieve your goals.”
2. Needs Assessment
“What are some of the biggest challenges you’re currently facing with your existing solution?”
3. Presenting the Solution
“Based on what you’ve shared, here’s how our solution can help address those challenges…”
4. Highlighting Benefits, ROI & Social Proof
“By implementing our solution, you can expect to see improvements such as increased efficiency and reduced costs, leading to a significant ROI. (incl. Customer case study)”
5. Addressing Questions and Objections
“Do you have any questions or concerns about how our solution can help you?”
6. Discussing Price
“Given the value and benefits we’ve discussed, the investment for our solution is...”
By following this approach, you ensure that the prospect understands the full value of your solution before discussing the price, ...
which leads to more informed and favorable purchasing decisions.
Remember, never let the prospect control the conversation.
By providing a clear structure the prospects will feel that he is in good hands.
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