2 min

Hiring SDRs with LinkedIn Outbound

Updated: Jan 8, 2022


Hiring and especially onboarding great sales talent as fast as possible is becoming harder and harder. There are several reasons for this. The most important one is that people can choose their employers and not the other way around. There is a certain lack of talent and as a hiring manager, you have to do everything to get in front of great candidates.

Hiring a Sales Development Representative
A Sales Development Representative role is usually a junior role. People between 0 and 2 years of relevant experience apply for SDR openings. In a lot of cases, it can be also really beneficial to the business to hire people with more experience. This can dramatically reduce the time to onboard new people because you don't have to train them on the basic sales skills anymore.

But great and experienced SDRs usually don't apply for another junior position. So you have to find them first and contact them.

How to get in front of great and experienced SDRs

Go outbound. As a hiring manager write directly to candidates, via email or LinkedIn. This builds up trust and you expand your network overtime to hire faster.

  1. Set up LinkedIn and/or LinkedIn Sales Navigator

  2. Search for the right candidates, example search for Vienna here

  3. Build a message sequence to attract great talent, example sequence here

  4. Use an automation tool like LeadConnect to automate this process

  5. Reply to your incoming answers and qualify the candidates again

Interview Preparation

For every interview I prepare myself to get three main questions answered:

1) Are they a team fit?

2) Can they do the job short term?

3) Can they do the job long term?

Only if each of the three questions can be answered with a clear YES, the candidate moves to the next stage. In addition, each of these major questions leads to several follow up questions which can be found in the interview checklist.

Interview Checklist

A detailed interview checklist can be found here


To all the hiring managers, let's hire some great SDRs to help them grow in their sales career!

Book recommendation: Who: The A Method for Hiring by Geoff Smart and Randy Street


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